Sunday, October 26, 2014

What should we have figure out by now?

We should already have batteries that last forever, and they can't be those rechargeable ones. These batteries should last forever.

We should have gotten the idea of peace spread throughout the world already. Peace and war are two topics that nobody really talks about anymore and that is mainly because war tops peace nowadays. I think that if peace overcame war, these two topics wouldn't be much of a big deal anyways.

We should have found a cure for cancer already. There are all of these scientists and doctors looking for a cure and all of these foundations that are asking for money, yet there is no cure. There are only things to slow down the process of cancer.
Along with this idea of cures, HIV and AIDs should be cured already. I mean Magic Johnson got a cure, why can't any ordinary person receive it.

There are many things that we as people still haven't figured out. These are the only things that came to my mind.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


How do I know what I know? Where does my knowledge come from? How did my knowledge affect me? When did this knowledge show up? Why did it show up?

The religious beliefs that my parents practiced is the one that was passed down to me: Catholicism. Being raised in Hispanic neighborhoods made me feel like catholicism was the only religion. It was only until I was twelve that I realized there were more religions and that not all people believed in the god that I believed in. I kind of shrugged religion to the side for a while. All of my knowledge went directly towards school, mainly math.

Math became pretty important in my life when I was younger.  I always thought I had a thing with numbers. I played sudoku well and was usually good with cards. Math came easily to me. With this physics was introduced to me. This belief of physics led me to science which is a contradiction to everything that I was raised by. Science questioned religion and now I'm half way in belief. I believe in Catholicism and in science.

My parents also introduced me to moral choices. They taught me how to be respectful, yet know when to stand up for myself. As I get older they still shape my knowledge, although I have been rebellious lately because of friends. So all in all, it was my friends who showed me the knowledge of rebellion. Of course people have never liked being held down anyways, so I guess I thank my friends for showing me this rebellious idea.

Knowledge to me usually comes to me as I mature as a person. New knowledge arises every day. As the saying goes: you learn something new everyday.

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Garden State

The Garden State, from what I understood, was the state in which people  worked to get stuff out of their minds. For example, in Candide, the candide and his friends tended their garden, so with all of that work on their minds, they had nothing to worthfully think about. Outside of their little garden were all of these problems that these characters didnt wanna face, when they all knew that they could make a difference in the world because of all the wealth that they had.

I could relate this to people of today. We hear about all of these problems going on in the world (war, disease, murders, etc.), yet we find a way to block all of that by living out every day lives, either working or substituting work with entertainment. Some of us ay sports, some watch movies, in the end we all find out own little garden.